Councilman Singh gets money from city of Norwich for Art Gallery – Clearly unethical
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Councilman Singh gets money from city of Norwich for Art Gallery – Clearly unethical Follow the money. To fund a business/org owned by a councilman is very suspect. There is no doubt this is an ethics violation and tanatamount to fraud. Let’s include a heaping spoonful of conflict of interest. Why expose this? Because the roaches run when the lights come on… Shame on you City of Norwich…

Norwich Public Schools denies transportation to NFA students

Norwich Public Schools denies transportation to NFA students

Here is more information about the transportation issue. Update: October 9, a new bus schedule for NFA students is available. It looks like NPS restored bus service to area students. If you ever have any future complaints about NPS, file a complaint. The templates are specific to transportation, but you can edit these for your…

Our Tech Journey

Our Tech Journey

In the late 1990s at Three Rivers Community Technical College, professors in the computer science department included Dr. Savas, Joe Mecuri, Joyce Parker and others led courses to local students. Jim Savas: Just a teacher at Three Rivers in Norwich? No. Jim, humble as he was, worked at IBM and developed the first modern era…

Contest: Scratch Programming Norwich
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Contest: Scratch Programming Norwich

Eligibility: Students at Wequonnoc who were enrolled in the Scratch programming course after school on Tuesdays. 1st Prize 2nd Prize 3rd Prize Assigment: We are Norwich Create a scratch game or animation showing your love for Norwich, CT Requirements Create a game or animation (without AI) in Scratch that has the following: Remember, libraries do…